Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Key to wealth and success of a person. By Holy Bilal

This world is full of those people who strive to cherish and scrutiny by those people who themselves scarcity all the reasons to cherish themselves.
We were told in our nascent that we should act in a certain way, should dress in these clothes, should say and do these things, just because the bulk of people doing so. These voices become so implanted in our minds as a child that we continue to as subconscious wardens of our lives as adults. However we have freedom to act as we want, we wish, most of the people continue making decisions based on what they have been told in their childhood by elders instead of what they have learned.

Many peoples' lives are wasted by choosing the monotony safety over the boldness of the uncertainty.

Wealth and success of person are like streams of water rushing down from a hill top. The highest get the most because they are few in number whilst the lowest get the least because they are in bulk. Before the water reaches the surface, first it must run through all the others above it. The the lowest support the weight of all who are above and in power over them, they are large in number and can be substituted with others. The key to reach high is by becoming less like those below them.

It is so easy to travel on a road laid by some and its only reward is the dust, which its builder leaves behind.

In this era in our lives, a person’s worth is instituted in how difficult that person is to be replaced. Labor who works to make a house is paid less than the person who design it for example architect, simply because the workers are greater in number but the architects are few who can design the plans and strategies the workers must comply with. Owner of the company is paid higher than its employees simply because a leader or boss must guide many to achieve a company’s goal, but disciple only comply what he told.
In this world there are large numbers of people who are wealthy but very few who are with ideas. A wealthy person can be substituted with other wealth person, but a person with distinctive ideas is most difficult to substitute.

Overachievers are counterfeited by the fires of underachievers’ mockery.

Live is much easier when lived in accordant with others. When you choose a different path, you tempt the disdain of those people who paucity the courage to go after their own goals. As soon a person start to step high in hierarchy and the hands of people below them tries to pull him back. These leg pulling people necessitate knowing why you must be different from rest. Why you deserve better? Do you really think you are up to greatness? And who you really are?

Immensity is not about whom you are but who you believe you can become.

You must have courage to go after you own path. The sheep are safe in their cages but the lions run free in the wilderness. The greatest among us are most different and unique from the rest.

Why pursuing money is not bad? By Holy Bilal

In this era in my belief the money is not evil. Some may think of me as a person materialistic mind. But it is fact that money is not the evil or to wish for money is no more wrong. Money gives the ultimate freedom to enjoy and explore through in life. Here I feel the need to quote Osho’s saying “All religions have condemned wealth while I condemned the poverty.”
As the matter of fact and in my opinion, wealth is not a means of personal satisfaction or enrichment. Rather, wealth is a way that can be utilized to fulfill everybody’s need and everybody’s duty to the betterment of society.

Although if you are getting money for the self purpose then it is a ridiculous, and if your only perspective to have money is the goodness, which you can create with that money then gathering money can be sacred.

Go after the money not for self soothing but to use that money as a tool in the betterment of society. And when you don’t have it then prove with your little money or no money that you can do greater with more money. It is famous saying “Money comes to those who attract it, avoiding all who seek to entrap it.”

The wealthier and rich a person is, the more luckily he positively changes the lives of those who are deprived or in need. Let me explain why money is important by giving you factual example. Suppose if you are poor but have good health and you brothers or neighbor’s house is burned into the ashes, you will remain a nice person but you wouldn’t have ability to help them with what they need at that time. That time they don’t need your good heart and sweet words. And if the same happened but this time you are rich, you can help your brother or neighbor by giving a home to stay and live. You are rich and wealthier, now you have enough wealth for you and for the people around you.

However it is not wrong if someone is poor, festivity of poverty is deeply rooted in egocentricity and meanness. A person who is poorer can may save a life, but a person who is wealthy can build hundreds of thousands people. Poor can do nothing to help those who need, but a wealthy person can help thousands of people. Wealth is an opportunity to do good in human society, is an opportunity to bring sufficient change in human society to sustain it.

Here you are thinking there have been number of people who brought change in human society who were mere rich. Yes indeed it is possible to bring change, to help those who need it without or with little money. As the fact money is just a paper and digits but these papers and digits can be traded for a person’s time and effort. Consequently if person is not wealthy, he can use positive actions, his time and his effort in the advancement of society and in the betterment of humanity.

One thing to be remembered the greater the person’s wealth is the greater his obligation to his surrounded humans. Those who are in greater power can do greatest good to the greater number of people living below them.