Friday, 26 January 2018

What is love? The most satisfactory answer ever on internet.

Love is most beautiful thing in this world, world came out of love. But here let me tell you in depth what love is. We fell deeply in love with someone and wish to sped rest of our lives with them regardless of anything. And then one day your loved one came up, bewildered and anguished with “I don’t feel same for you anymore”

All of the sudden the land under your feet vanish up and your world plunged for ever with no hope, your life becomes the stage of everyday grudges.

Then the every quote about love on Facebook, twitter and Instagram becomes the spark to further ignite the anxiety and miserability. 

If we look the biologically we come to the point that love is basically mishmash of attraction and attachment. We have seen that when time passes, this attraction become little less, there is no spark left between you. You have now nothing to talk about, you have known other thoroughly. But does that mean your love is over? 

No, absolutely not. It simply means that your attraction phase is over; your honeymoon venture is over and moved to next stage of attachment. Now your love is just an attachment.

At this stage, you start to ignore your partner, and find it easy and appealing to jump to other relationship. Switching between one relationship to other relationship to FEEL again, instead of staying and fighting for your relationship and endure through its start to end, through its freshness to the rust.

Most of the time, your loved one meet someone new while still in relationship with you and then find that new more attractive. Then in this course of period they start hating what he/she once loved and start ignoring you. Mostly, people in this stage get carried along with that new one while leaving everything behind. 

Now they have something new to explore. Boys have new world to explore to fulfill curiosity while girls find it attractive in sense of new ways of appealing her and new ways of appreciating. Instead of communicating things with their boyfriend/girlfriend, they lost in renewed sense of attraction. It always sounds appealing to talk to new one, and to be admired in new ways. 

Here, they have completely left their boyfriend/girlfriend by accusing him/her of multiple things, a reason to end. They completely forget the attachment; they prioritize attraction over attachment. Sometimes they find themselves among the confused friends to get some advise who further misguide them, and they leave their ex loved one to suffer for the rest of his/her life. Unable to trust anybody again, a kind of destitute for rest of his/her life, living in inner misery.

If you are reading this, please make sure, instead of running after the attraction make your current relationship joyful. 

Regards: Holy Bilal
In the memory of Hira Sajjad(late)

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