I would choose to lose a battle in order to win the war, i'm passing from the phase, which is killing me inside. This phase make me stronger and let my inner roots get deeper, though this is not the only way to get all these things, but the experience i am getting is speechless. It is letting me to grow, it is teaching me to smile and go on. I could not have get to manythings if i were not meant to be in this phase. This is why i do not regret anything about this, and i have this attitude of let it come more, this is not kind of addiction to pain rather it is my conscious decion. I most of the time prayed to Allah that let me get into all the such kind of things if they are necessary to reach my dream goals. I do not know whether i am choosing a right path or wrong path, but i firmly trist and believe in Allah. Allah will not let me down, as i wants to be the giving hand of Allah. Bilal kholhar. Holly Bilal. God Father